Monday, February 11, 2008

New Position!

So I've been accepted on the list of Child Rights Country Experts for the International Bureau of Children's Rights. My position is as a consultant for the International Bureau on any questions regarding children's rights in state of Sierra Leone. Currently the IBCR is not working on any issues regarding children in Sierra Leone, but as soon as they do, I will be consulted for information on any publications they are writing.

I'm so excited.


Michael Lee Taylor said...


I am a recently graduated student of the University of South Carolina with degrees in Communications and Philosophy. I am looking into graduate programs in Social Work. I have already taken several courses in this area with an emphasis in International Social Work with an emphasis in community development and health. However, before I begin a graduate program I would like to work for about a year in the field. Some friends of mine work with an NGO currently in Sierra Leone with a medical clinic in Freetown and a School in Kabala. However, I do not believe that they are in the position to take any long term volunteers at this point and have expressed some safety issues regarding the long term work of an American in Kabala. Could you you provide some direction of where I would look for those kinds of opportunities in Sierra Leone?



Please e-mail me at

Unknown said...

I am interested in learning more about the children of the diamond mines, and I plan to visit West Africa if possible, next year.


Unknown said...

I am interested in the children of the diamond mines in Africa. I plan to visit in '09. Please contact me regarding your work and life in West Africa. Thank you much :)